As a campus ministry (and I'm speaking for myself here), we are people who deeply appreciate Soy Lattés, not only due to their soothing and medicinal properties, but also because they are, in many ways, the very heart of our social life as campus disciples. Because of the deep love for humanity in the hearts of the campus ministry, and because we at Souled Out seek the good of those who read our pages, I hereby present to you... 10 reasons why Soy Lattés will change your life...
Because of the deep significance of us being perfectly united on all key matters of faith, we strongly encourage all of our members to discover the joys of Soy Lattés. When we start studying the Bible with people, we find the following "first five studies" to be very useful and effective:
Word -> Discipleship -> Sin -> Soy Latté -> Repentance
Because it is difficult to argue that NOT drinking Soy Lattés is actually sin, we find it best to cover it as a separate study, but always before Repentance, for obvious reasons. Because this gem of a study is not well known, I hereby present it to you in full:
The best place to cover Soy with people is at a good café. Let them order a coffee first. If they don't order a Soy Latté, then you know immediately why this study is so crucial. Even if they do, though, it's helpful to go over these sound biblical principles with them.